How Exercising Benefits Seniors

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Its been proven that physical movement and exercise has loads of benefits, especially for older adults. Regular physical activity has shown to improve mental and physical health, both of which will help you maintain your independence for as long as possible as you age. It also can help prevent disease, better sleep, decrease risks of falling, improve social relationship sand help keep our brains sharp and alert.

Prevent Disease

Regular exercise has been proven to help prevent common diseases like heart disease (heart attack) and stroke. As we age our immune system starts to break down and can be compromised. Exercising improves our overall immune function which is important to fight off illnesses and disease.

Improved Mental Health

If you are familiar with the “exercise high” that follows after a good workout (endorphins), then you probably understand the mental shift happening at the same time. The endorphins released acts as a stress reliever and leaves you feeling good.

Better Sleep

Regular exercise is a great way to boost your sleep quality. Studies show  that older adults who exercised for at least 30 minutes a day slept an average of 15more daily than those who didn’t exercise.

Decreased Risk of Falling

Exercising improves strength, flexibility, balance and coordination, which are all key to maintaining independence. Falling can be very dangerous for older adults and sometimes can result in a hospital stay, so anything that helps prevent a fall is important.

Improved Social Relationships

Sometimes we don’t know where to start when it comes to fitness. Joining a walking club or a gardening club helps break that feeling of loneliness. Having a group or friend to exercise with can make it seem less boring or treacherous.

Keeps Our Brains Sharp and Alert

Exercising works on our fine-tuned motor skills. This helps improve our cognitive function.