October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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Breast CancerAwareness Month is observed every October to raise awareness about the most common cancer among women, breast cancer. This important initiative aims to educate everyone the symptoms, treatment options, and promote regular breast health screenings. It serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of early detection.

BreastCancer Statistics

· About1 in 8 of U.S. women are going to develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime

· About1 in 833 men will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.

· Breast cancer is the most common cancer among U.S. women.

· About30% of all newly diagnosed cancers in women are breast cancer

· There are more than 4 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S. This includes those who are currently being treated and those who have completed treatment.



A hard mass felt around the breast with irregular edges but be careful, breast cancers can also feel soft, tender and painful.
Swollen lymph nodes under the arm

Nipple retraction


Although getting a regularly scheduled breast exam with your doctor is important, it’s just, if not more important than to make sure you are doing an exam of your own at home. Symptoms can be felt from home and could potentially be early detection of the disease.



Involves using medicines to shrink or kill the cancer cells.


Rays similar to x-rays are used to kill the cancer cells.

Biological therapy
This works with the body’s immune system to fight

It blocks cancer cells from getting the hormones they need to to grow

An operation where doctors go in and remove the cancer.
This month-long campaign highlights the importance of knowing the symptoms, promotes early detection, and different types of treatments.